Chocolate swirl meringue cookies

chocolate meringue swirls
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Crispy, chewy and chocolatey. . . . my favourite three c’s in my cooking vocabulary, and this recipe ticks all those boxes.

Put Chocolate swirl meringue cookies in to a search engine and variations on this recipe will pop up time and time again; and once you’ve tried them you will see why they are is so popular.

Crisp, little meringues laced through with dark chocolate make them a real tea time treat.

The melted chocolate needs to be cooled but do not allow to set. Adding a dash of vinegar to a meringue gives you a slightly chewy base . . . .  Perfect!



90 g eggs whites (about 3 large eggs)
150 g granulated sugar
2 tablespoons icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ teaspoon white vinegar
200 g dark chocolate, melted and cooled


Preheat the oven to 140 C / Gas 1.

Line one large or two smaller baking trays with grease-proof paper.

Place egg whites in a large, grease free bowl and whisk until stiff peaks hold and meringue does not slide out when bowl is turned upside.

Gradually add in both sugars, a little at a time, whisking continuously. Whisk in the vanilla and vinegar. The meringue should be stiff and glossy.

Drizzle chocolate on top of meringue. Do not mix in.

Scoop up heaped teaspoons of the mixture and drop onto the lined bake sheets until all the chocolate and meringue is used.

Bake in the centre of the oven for about 40 – 50  minutes or meringue easily peels away from parchment paper. Cool on a wire rack.

Comments 2

  • wow. I tried them, and even not a big meringue fan, but had some spare egg whites. These little cookies just perfect. Yummie, chocolately. Just one more. And maybe another one… ups, they are finished

  • Glad you enjoyed them but yes they are too moorish, I can’t stop eating them once I start.

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